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Uncanny Valley: AI - 1950's Super Panavision 70

  Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the creative fields is a very controversial subject of which there's been much debate. Contentions arise around the ethics of it taking work away from human creatives and for mining the work of existing artists to use in its own image building. Its use in deep fake pornography and propaganda also raise important considerations and problems. There is also the old thorny question of 'Is it Art?" - is it art that divides humankind from other life-forms? - can a machine truly create art? I was once told in a debate upon the subject that "well, the genie is out of the bottle now, so might as well get used to it!" So here, I am looking at just one area where the genie has manifested. Currently on YouTube now some channels are posting constructed trailers of late 20th, early 21st Century TV shows and movies re-imagined as 1950's productions. Qualms about the ethics of AI aside, I must admit I really like these videos.  Though I do l

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